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Dangal: Wrestling with Excellence - A Review


Dangal is a 2016 Indian sports biopic film based on the real-life story of Mahavir Singh Phogat and his daughters Geeta and Babita. Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, this movie was released to overwhelming critical acclaim in India as well as abroad. Aamir Khan stars as Mahavir Singh Phogat, an amateur wrestler who sets out to fulfill his dream of winning a gold medal for India at international level wrestling with the help of his two young daughters - Geeta and Babita, played by Fatima Sana Shaikh and Sanya Malhotra respectively. Dangal has become one of the highest-grossing films in Bollywood history, thus making it an instant hit among audiences worldwide. It also won numerous awards including the National Film Awards for Best Actor (Aamir Khan) and Best Film on Popular Culture or International Acclaim (Nitesh Tiwari). As such, it can be said that Dangal stands tall not only because of its box-office success but also due to its powerful message about female empowerment which speaks volumes even today.


Background Information

Dangal is based on the true story of Mahavir Singh Phogat, an amateur wrestler from Haryana in India who trained his two daughters Geeta and Babita for international-level wrestling. The film was inspired by a documentary entitled 'The Daughters Of Wrestling' which highlighted how women's sports were being neglected in Indian society at the time. To achieve success, Mahavir had to overcome various challenges including cultural taboos and lack of resources. Although initially reluctant, eventually he helped his daughters become world-class wrestlers winning several medals for their country.

The real-life story behind Dangal has greatly influenced Indian society and culture with many people taking inspiration from it as seen through its overwhelming box office success both domestically and internationally. It speaks volumes about female empowerment in India where gender roles are often rigidly defined by patriarchal values. The movie serves as a reminder that anyone can achieve anything they set their minds to if given enough dedication and support – regardless of whether they are male or female. Through its powerful message, Dangal has been able to inspire young girls across India while also helping bring much-needed recognition to the sport of wrestling itself within the country’s sporting landscape.

Plot Summary

The plot of Dangal follows the story of Mahavir Singh Phogat, an amateur wrestler from Haryana in India who was determined to fulfill his dream of winning a gold medal for India at international level wrestling. To do this, he sets out to train his two young daughters - Geeta and Babita - despite facing many obstacles such as cultural taboos and lack of resources. Initially reluctant to take up the training, eventually they rise to prominence under their father’s tutelage becoming world-class wrestlers and ultimately winning medals for their country.

Characterization is key throughout this movie with Aamir Khan playing Mahavir Singh Phogat as a strict yet loving father who wants the best for his daughters even if it means going against traditional Indian values. Fatima Sana Shaikh (Geeta) and Sanya Malhotra (Babita) both shine in their respective roles as strong independent women willing to fight for what they believe despite all the odds stacked against them. Their journey overcomes various challenges while also providing moments of humor that help lighten up the mood in certain scenes which further add depth to their characters’ development throughout the film.

In conclusion, Dangal is an inspiring tale about female empowerment which speaks volumes through its powerful message even today. The characterization has been done so well that it allows audiences to connect with each character on an emotional level while also learning valuable lessons along the way – making it one movie you can watch again and again without losing interest!


Performance and Music Analysis

Performance analysis is an important part of any movie review and Dangal is no exception. Aamir Khan stars as Mahavir Singh Phogat, the strict yet loving father whose dream of winning a gold medal for India at international level wrestling leads him to train his two young daughters - Geeta and Babita - despite facing many obstacles along the way. His performance has been lauded by critics for its nuanced portrayal which brings out both sides of the character - from a disciplinarian father to an emotional one who genuinely cares for his daughters’ dreams.

Fatima Sana Shaikh (Geeta) and Sanya Malhotra (Babita) both put in stellar performances that captivate audiences with their determination, courage, and strength as they battle against all odds to make their father's dream come true. Their characters are brought alive onscreen through strong acting chops in addition to realistic dialogue delivery which makes it easy for viewers to connect with each character on an emotional level while also learning valuable lessons about perseverance along the way.

Music plays an integral role in setting up moods throughout this film, be it during training montages or when emotions run high between characters. It helps create tension before major events such as competitions or key decisions are made while providing a sense of hope during uplifting moments like wins or empowering speeches given by Mahavir Singh Phogat himself. The music chosen was carefully crafted so that each song would correspond with its respective scene perfectly – resulting in a powerful score overall that only enhances the viewing experience further!

Critical Analysis of the Movie

The direction of Dangal is excellent, as director Nitesh Tiwari manages to capture the essence of Mahavir Singh Phogat’s inspiring story while creating a visual narrative that resonates with audiences. The cinematography also deserves praise for its use of wide shots during training montages and close-ups during emotional scenes which help in further emphasizing the moments at hand.

The editing plays an important role throughout this movie, allowing us to follow Geeta and Babita’s journey from novice wrestlers to world-class athletes within a two-hour runtime – without ever feeling rushed or bogged down by unnecessary details. This gives viewers enough time to connect with each character on both an emotional and intellectual level while still managing to keep them engaged till the very end!

Overall, Dangal has been crafted with immense care and attention which can be seen through every aspect of the movie including direction, cinematography, editing and more. It provides viewers with a unique insight into female empowerment in India while delivering powerful messages about perseverance along the way – making it one film you don't want to miss out on!



In conclusion, Dangal is an inspiring and powerful movie that speaks volumes about female empowerment in India. It provides a unique insight into the struggles faced by women in a patriarchal society while also delivering valuable lessons about perseverance along the way. Through its realistic characters, emotionally charged moments and excellent use of music to set up moods - this movie has been crafted with immense care and attention which only helps to further enhance the viewing experience for audiences.

The real-life story behind Dangal has greatly influenced Indian society and culture with many people taking inspiration from it as seen through its overwhelming box office success both domestically and internationally. Its message of female empowerment resonates even today – making it one movie you can watch repeatedly without losing interest! As such, we believe that Dangal will remain timeless in the eyes of movie-goers for years to come – inspiring generations of viewers along the way.

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